Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chapter 7 - Business Marketing

When Marketing, Don't Count Businesses Out...

    Not only does the Boys and Girls Clubs of America market to the people in their community, they must market to businesses as well. Most businesses, especially small businesses, need support from their community in order to succeed. That is why some businesses, from small businesses to large corporations, give aid to their local club. Whether it's in a form of money, goods, volunteer help, hosting workshops, or providing internships; any help is always appreciated. By doing this, businesses express their positive business ethics, practice social responsibility, and showcase good publicity in the papers. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America are aware that most businesses have that duty to fulfill - so this is when businesses-to-businesses marketing plays an important role in their marketing strategy.

Getting their foot in the door
    After The Boys and Girls Clubs of America has done their research and picked a few good prospects, they must contact the right people in that businesses and begin to market themselves through the first stages of making a sale. This usually is in a form of a phone call, e-mail, or personal visit. The Boys and Girls Club then sets up a time to have a formal meeting to present their ideas. 

Building relationships
    When the Boys and Girls Club of America, or any non-profit organization of that matter, can successfully have a relationship with a business - they must gain their trust first. Trust is a vital part to maintain a strong relationship commitment. Without trust and an effort to keep the relationship strong, that business will be opted to use their money elsewhere.

Maintaining a relationship commitment
    As expressed in my previous post Chapter 17 - Advertising and Public Relations, the business giving aid will only continue if they feel it is worth the investment. It is the Boys and Girls Club's duty to make sure their sponsors are satisfied and stay on board with their mission. From then on one hand washes the other, and both businesses work with each other to share the benefits of their strategic partnership.

Boys and Girls Clubs of America strong relationship with Taco Bell

    It is said that the best women to marry are the ones that not only love you, but have the ability to help you as well. That concept is true for business marketing too. How a business markets to another business is key for a long lasting relationship.

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